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I killed my parents and I need to destroy the evidence. I need pookie to help me eat the bodies for free please. I'm a virgin waifu dms are open!!!
16 01,2024
my birthday was hune 4th, and my friend got me a collar and i was happy and hell cause we hadnt been close lately
cut to today where she flied to spain, she sends me videos talking about her days etc.. and she mentions going to a shop to buy a friend of hers a present and she says 'i had this shirt of us printed out and i'm omw to a shop to pick up an anime figurine for her cause i just felt like i couldnt just give her some basic ass gift like a bracelet or a collar haha'
h uh? :3
i ignored it and i asked her whet figurine she was gatting her and she said a vinland saga one and i thhought hmm? cause if i remember correclty she used to say anime was gross and she hated thhat type of show and etc etc.. and now she's saying vinland is 'their thing'
we're both 18 and about to go to college so maybe i'm being childish but this hurt my feelings ngl :,)
01 08,2023
Get up and sit on my face. Right now baby.” He ordered. Your legs were extremely shaking because of how sensitive you were but you did as he said. You watched him lay on the bed and immediately straddled his face. “Oh fuck~” he whispered to himself before you finally lowered your pussy on to his face. He went wild. His tongue felt so extravagant to the point where you subconsciously started bouncing on his face. He didn’t complain. He grabbed your ass and spanked you because every time you got spanked you would go deeper on his tongue. His tongue was fucking magical. Swirling around your walls, exploring every curve and examining every detail. If that wasn’t enough he grabbed your thighs making you stay on his face. You grabbed his hair and came on his face while moaning out of complete bliss. “A-Ahh~ D-Daddy!~” You screamed. Little did you know that calling that sexy milk dud ‘daddy’ would have been the biggest mistake of tonight. You could feel the smirk on his lips on your pussy as he released his mouth off of you. “You taste wonderful Y/N~ but calling me daddy? I could get used to that~ if you call me anything else I will spank you 5 times on each cheek. Got it?” “Y-Yes Daddy..!” “Now what your about to do is unzip my pants with your mouth and suck my cock.” You immediately got off of his face, got off your bed and went on your knees. He got in front of you and started stroking your hair. “Youre a little whore aren’t you?” He laughed. You nodded because he was right. You were a whore. But what mattered to you was that you were His Whore. You unzipped his pants with your mouth and he pulled them off. You could see his cock almost ripping out of his underwear. You were in awe. How the fuck did Steve Harvey pack this much? You didn’t understand it. You didn’t want to understand. You just knew you wanted to taste it. You wanted to taste him. All of him. He saw how hungry you were for his cock so he took of his underwear. “Open your mouth.” You did as you were told. He put his fingers down your throat to see how many you could take. You didn’t have a gag reflex so it wasn’t a problem at all. You started licking his fingers and sucking on them. He pulled out and started rubbing His Spit covered fingers all over his cock. “You have been such a good girl for me Y/N. Now it’s time to give you want you want.”

lmk if i should post this on wattpad yall
01 08,2023
I(24f) has been in love with D (23M) my alpha coworker. D and I have known each other since we were in middle school...and I've always had a crush on him ever since.

We were both classmates in our first year in middle school and we instantly clicked and became friends. As time went by we got to know each other more and realized that we've got a lot of similar interests and hobbies. We we're both kind of nerds but he was more out going and a lot more social than I am. But still we remained really close with each other.

For the the whole 3 years in middle school, he was the only person I could truly call my friend. We hang out a lot, we both did our hobbies together, study together and literally just have fun together. And soon enough I realized my true feelings for him. I really thought that I only saw him as a friend but damn- I was wrong! I began to saw him in a different light, it was like he was sparkling every time I saw his face.

I began to notice how charming he was, how caring he was and how...attractive he was. But no matter how much I liked him I was too scared to ruin our friendship. So throughout the rest of our middle school I hid my feelings from him and remained his "close" friend.

And then we finally graduated and summer came, I was overjoyed to know that we were both going to the same high school. But unfortunately I couldn't hangout with him for the summer since I had to spend my summer at my grandma's province. Throughout the whole summer I couldn't stop thinking about D, I couldn't wait to see him again.

But for some unavoidable reason I had to take my first semester in high school at my grandma's province. A lot of things happened within my family, I was really depressed and had to deal with a lot of stress. I wanted to be with D during those times but I couldn't which only made my situation worse.

The more I stay in that province the more distant I grew from people. I was really in a bad place and the only hope I could cling on was to be reunited with D again.

Fast forward, I was finally back after which felt like an eternity.

As I was walking towards my classroom I saw D from not afar and my heart almost jumped out of joy. I've missed him so much that I just wanna run towards him and hug him real tight. But I soon noticed that he was surrounded by a group of people...and I felt kind of hurt. I mean I knew he'd have friends here already but I couldn't but feel jealous. So I just decided to surprise him later since I never told him I'd be back now and he probably thought I'd continue my high school back in the province.

Later that day, I waited for D at his home since I didn't saw him earlier at school. After a few hours of waiting he finally came, when he saw me I could see his eyes lit up as he rushed towards me. We both hugged each other and went to his room to talk and basically and basically hang out like we used to do.

When we noticed that it was getting darker outside D decided to walk wme home.

It felt so great to walk side by side with D again. My heart is having a party inside my ribcage. For the past months that I never saw him, I never knew he's body could change thus much. He was a taller and a lot more muscular. I was over the moon...I glanced at him and saw him smiling.

"Oh yeah!" He said as he paused from walking and looked at me.

"My secondary gender test result came out!" *He said excitedly said to me as I rolled my eyes at him.*

"Why are you so excited? It's not like I don't know your result already"

"Wait you know already? But I never told you though."

"I mean I knew we're both going to be Betas anyway."

*D stared at me in silence but he was smiling widely*

"....dude! I'm an Alpha!"
(It kinda don't make sense? I know)
(I don't know how to write? Yes)
(Am sleepy and am I writing this at midnight? Yes)
(Part 2? Tomorrow if I want to)
01 08,2023
I love asking mf this shit if you were Carlee Russell what would you do different to not get caught
01 08,2023
10 07,2021
Now what is this mangago? WHERE ARE THE QUESTIONS??
10 07,2021
Hisokabitch 10 07,2021
So I brought home a street cat and this bitch is not eating I try mixing canned food but she’s not eating she is extremely skinny I’m worried tf do I do
10 07,2021
HE'S SO CUTE I'll put it down below I just wanna share cause he's too damn adorable
08 05,2021
Wat yall think about "to your eternity" the one that very popular in tiktok rn

I actually haven't read it so can someone send me the link please and thank u very much<3
19 04,2021
s(O_O)s 19 04,2021
Detective Conan piano songs but
19 04,2021
Just, voltron I want to talk about it
18 04,2021
24 01,2021
So as I have posted here before, I adopted a stray cat, she was about a year old or sumthin'. Named her Chester coz I thought she was a boy. About 2 months later, I adopted another cat and named her “Snuggle”. She was so pretty and cute I can't get over the fact that she's already gone.

So anyway, I thought Chester and Snuggle was getting along with each other. One of our workers (we own a small business) told me that Chester kept teaching Snuggle to go near the highway. Which was unlikely coz Snuggle was a house kitten.

Chester is a very jealous type of a pet. When I got Snuggle, she was always on the roof and refuses to show herself near us. She's only gonna come back down when it's time for her to eat. She always observed me and Snuggle whenever I pet her (Snuggle). As months passed by, they got along pretty well. I was so happy. And then, I woke up and Snuggle was gone. She got hit by a car. I couldn't even see her body because the worker I mentioned threw her in the grabage truck and acted like it was fucking normal I am still fucking pissed.

Anyway, is it possible for a resident cat to teach a kitten to go near the highway so she'll get hit by the cars and die?

*Chester also started to stay in the house when Snuggle died. Felt like she planned it all along. I don't know what to feel.
18 01,2021
isnt iroh from avatar kinda fine..?
23 12,2020
For me it’s bpd mood swings (people generally don’t talk about bpd much at all) I seriously can’t be happy/angry/sad/empty for more then like an hour and it’s always the most extreme version of each emotion possible. I’m never just “okay”. I’m either at my best or my worst.
23 12,2020
I'm super bored and I'm curious to see which anime characters you kin, I also really wanna see if I have some characters in common with anybody!
23 12,2020
like yesterday, one of my friends sent me a pic of their toaster oven(?) with their cat laying on the oven door whilst being really close to their food and.... that was extremely disgusting to me
like,, they have around 11 pets so im just wondering what even happens in their house..
but then i live in america while they live in asia so?? idk maybe its normal but it seems really unhygienic
23 12,2020
Unpopular opinions only.
23 12,2020