The bot is attempting to inspire me to become a bad person ( ̄∇ ̄")   3 reply
02 08,2023
who is making all these it can't be real lmao   reply
01 08,2023
kim Dokja everytime something goes wrong.   3 reply
01 08,2023
01 08,2023
If a friend acts like that to you and you start to see them change in a way that hurts you, drop them. It might get worse or better, but it seems they are too into their other friend than you. save yourself of trouble, man.   reply
01 08,2023
9158 Kim Dokja. 01 08,2023
Talk it out with her? Just ask about it. Nothing good will come out of it if you don't tell her your thoughts. Just casually ask her "Hey since when did you started watching Vinland, cuz I remember you not liking it?" And sicne she said it was for a friend then it means her friend likes it not her? Then the figurine is fave character for her friend......   reply
01 08,2023
01 08,2023
tbh your feeling are valid, it does sound upsetting. You should try confronting your friend about this imo and what she says cause u got the right to speak about things that make you feel bad   reply
01 08,2023
Like a dog collar or what?? Anyway she be seeming toxic babe   1 reply
01 08,2023
am i overreacting? [Question]
01 08,2023
my birthday was hune 4th, and my friend got me a collar and i was happy and hell cause we hadnt been close lately
cut to today where she flied to spain, she sends me videos talking about her days etc.. and she mentions going to a shop to buy a friend of hers a present and she says 'i had this shirt of us printed out and i'm omw to a shop to pick up an anime figurine for her cause i just felt like i couldnt just give her some basic ass gift like a bracelet or a collar haha'
h uh? :3
i ignored it and i asked her whet figurine she was gatting her and she said a vinland saga one and i thhought hmm? cause if i remember correclty she used to say anime was gross and she hated thhat type of show and etc etc.. and now she's saying vinland is 'their thing'
we're both 18 and about to go to college so maybe i'm being childish but this hurt my feelings ngl :,)
01 08,2023
How does it know I only imagine dirty stuff   reply
01 08,2023
What have I stumbled upon? For how long has this thing been festering in ur drafts? And I thought the Ben Shapiro fic i read was bad   2 reply
01 08,2023

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