28 04,2020
The romance genre in general has used rape fantasy as an enduring trope forever. I don’t necessarily mind it. I understand actual rape in real life is horrible and rapists should die slow and painful deaths, but as a trope, I’m indifferent. As for pedophilia, what most people call out as “pedophilia” is actually ephebophilia. Pedophilia is......   2 reply
28 04,2020
As a gay male it's so frustrating seeing those kind of tropes. It's bad enough that most BL manga is made for straight women and not actual gay men but now we're having to repeatedly see such tropes that (very clearly) paint homosexuals as predators and oversexualise homosexual relationships and gay people in general. (I accidentally replied to a c......   1 reply
28 04,2020
28 04,2020
Since no one has bothered to answer your question, I’ll throw in. Art and literature’s ultimate purpose is to illicit a response, whether good or bad to make people feel emotion and think. It should not be judged by morals of what you think is right and wrong. I enjoy all the “tropes” and by taking away the gender equality with having the s......   3 reply
28 04,2020
Claire 28 04,2020
I hate them, I hate them soo much for multiple reasons, and I'm only speaking for bl in this case because I don't read gl; 1) They propagate harmful stereotypes about the lgbt+ community. Things like the fetishization of pedophilia and incest reinforce homophobic tropes that in this case gay men are predators and will fall in love with anyone, inc......   3 reply
28 04,2020
Themes concerning that, i do find it very interesting especially when it's a well-written plot. Some are not bad, some mediocre, and often piss poor when authors are blatantly romanticizing it but generally, I don't mind it since I know it's fiction and I'm all here for the story-telling. Few tropes I can agree that are morally wrong, but the human......   1 reply
28 04,2020
Casual transphobia   1 reply
28 04,2020
If it’s downplaying these things or portraying them as okay, I ain’t about that in the least. Romanticizing these things is what makes people think it’s okay outside of fiction. It’s one thing to include rape in a story but to address it properly and show the trauma it can cause, but it’s entirely different to make the character get toget......   1 reply
28 04,2020
28 04,2020
Personally I find it really disturbing and I try to avoid them. I know is fantasy and all, but I feel that when is such clear trend we're normalizing something that is a real traumatic experience for a lot of people. You can even have people that went through something like rape having to read that is a way to "show love" or fuck up things like......   1 reply
28 04,2020
ive seen a lot of comics on here with those exact themes and i think theyre actually disgusting. people who glorify these things are fucked. like, imagine shipping a middle schooler with an adult.   1 reply
28 04,2020
28 04,2020
im sure y'all have noticed this too, but i've noticed a reoccurring theme, mostly in manga depicting queer relationships (but also in plain ol' shoujo manga too), is the fetishization of pedophilia, rape culture, incest, etc.. to anyone who answers this, do you happen to enjoy these tropes or do you tend to avoid it? do you read through, thinking "wow this is not okay at all but as long as they're happy", or do you think "this is seriously fucked up"? i'm genuinely curious as to what people think about storylines involving these tropes :) please be mindful of other's opinions and lmk what you think!
28 04,2020

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