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One of my homies slipped and drunkenly confessed his feelings for me yesterday at midnight. We aren't as close compared to our other homies in the same grp but he's the nicest guy i know, he became my baggage carrier when i was cosplaying two times and he's already been helping me with school related stuff way before that, so now im conflicted asf. I really want to ask when, how and why he likes me, but i dont think bro wanted me to know in the first place cause he aint bringing shit up this whole time. I dont wanna second guess his true intentions into becoming homies with me but i dont want to be the one to bring shit up as well. I dont even know what i should feel
30 11,2023
Someone said i look like adam sandler.
25 11,2023
Gay guy here. I'm just curious about one thing. Most gay guys around me are verse, like 80%. Guys who are in a relationships, most of time, both of them are verses also.
So reading mangas where the couples are exclusively bottom/top I just feel like they're missing out because both experiences are good and hard to pass. It's not my business for sure, but I'm a nosy person. (▰˘◡˘▰) Thoughts?
25 11,2023
It might just be just me but like.... I hate stories where the protag CLEARLY has a set goal in life and doesn't want the change (especially after like experiencing problems like being banished or heartache or something) And they are well on their way to being in the state they want to be in.... Till some other character just comes in and messes it up!?(even worse when that character took PART in the problem that caused them to end up here)

And it's CLEAR that the protag didn't want this to happen and doesn't want the change. Like a exiled duchess is living the commoner life and is perfectly happy with just doing something, like being a florist or something, when suddenly the prince(usually from another country or was a friend but aided in the exile) comes in and is like "Hey lol I'm like soooooo sorry that we did that could you forgive me<3?" Or "I'm gonna marry you even though you clearly don't want me like that at this very moment~"

Like...No???? That's not how it works! ITS EVEN WORSE WHEN EVEN THOUGH THE PROTAG DOESNT LIKE THEM SUDDENLY A ROMANCE IS BORN and not even like they made up for their mistakes and then develop the romance but its just sudden blushing and closeness and then like after in the protags thoughts they are like 'wtf didn't this guy literally hurt me in one of the worst way possible???...but...he's so hot<3'

It's even worse when its NOT just the protag but it had affected the people close to protag like family and friends- like you ended up hurting multiple people STINKER not JUST the protag are you not gonna say sorry to the other people you ended up hurting too? or is it just protag cause "I need my [Redacted] wet"

I dunno- I just- It just gets me heated and makes me angry and end up on some self deprecating rant about stupid opinions i have like this one....I just wanna know if I'm alone in not liking these kinda stories, yknow?
27 09,2023
if i want to i will if i want to i will bitch
27 09,2023
Sometimes I wonder if I’m possibly on the asexual spectrum. I’ve done the do a couple times, but I honestly feel like it’s overrated.
27 09,2023
Anyone, drop down your confession experience. I have a crush in my class and he's really really really my type... I even get pressured when he comes up in the class, like his aura is just so attractive that you can't help but have a mini crush on him. And I just found out I'm not the only one in my class who likes him. I'm afraid I have to keep this crush of mine to myself because he's way out of my league.
19 08,2023
Wait guys since when did Mangago open comments again??
25 07,2023
Lotus 23 07,2021
So what do y’all do when you’re being ignored but they’re active online?
23 07,2021
so i have a crush on a girl but shes str8(pain) but it doesnt matter rn bcz what my current concern is the one she likes is 3 years older than her SHES A FOOKIN MINOR shes the same age as me (15) lmfao i rlly wanna tell her that shes should stop seeing this guy because shes being groomed but i dont know how to tell her without her getting mad at me she even shared a post quoting "If i like you i dont care abt how old r you" its really concerning, i rlly wanna help her but im afraid since its been like 3months since the last time we talked to each other
22 07,2021
SO LIKE BACKGROUND: im a girl and ive noticed this upperclassman of mine and shes like so chill and we were in the same geometry class a few years ago. we got to know each other bc we kinda have the same name LOL (same pronunciation but different spelling oop) and like my sexuality is quaking bc everytime i see her she makes me SWOON. today i was at a restaurant and i saw her working there and i got excited so i went up and said hi. she kinda just said hi and went away and i was like shiit maybe i shouldnt have said anything. but then when i went to get my order she was at the checkout and she gave me a free cookie like one of those freshly made and melts in your mouth ones and i was like ???? wtf and she just shrugged and said it was a gift and told me to hide it and BITCH SHE WAS SO CHILL ABT IT TOO UGH AND SHES ONE OF THOSE QUIET PEOPLE WHO JUST MINDS THEIR OWN BUSINESS AWW IS THIS A GIRL CRUSH OR???? SHE GRADUATED SO THAT SUCKS SHOULD I ASK HER OUT ANYWAYS LIKE WE DONT TALK UNLESS WE RUN INTO EACH OTHER BUT SHIIII SHES SO OOMF
22 07,2021
( I just needed to get this out of my conscience). I'm a 17 year old female, and I showed my boobs to someone in omegle. First of all the first time I went there was because of curiousity, nothing else, but then I guess I got tempted into doing it. I met some very horny guys and tbh some of them were kinda hot, so I got lured in by their compliments and did it. So the first time, I went into the website and found this really cute asian guy, we flirted for a while and then it got kinda steamy, so he asked me and I did it. He was 19 I think, but.... I felt really guilty after that . AND THE WORSE THING IS I did it like 4 more times through the next month (some guys were also my age). To protect myself I wore a mask so they could only see my eyes. Honestly I was not horny at all, and none of the experience turned me on. I was very depressed and lonely back then so I kind of just wanted the attention from others, I liked it when they complimented me and told me I was beautiful and how they liked my body and etc; it made me feel less lonely. That was like 5 or 6 months ago so now I am in a better place since I get to hang out with my friends more than before and I'm not as lonely. I relfected on it for a while and came to the conclusion that I have to love my body and respect it and not use it to get a random stranger's attention and compliments because I am lonely . But yeah, I will never tell anyone this in real life until I die.
22 07,2021
plz tell me cuz my schools were boring af and im going to start a nerd high school. You can tell me anything about sex, violence etc. It's fine cuz i aint holy.
21 07,2021
so I used to read manhuas on mangatoon and webcomic, and that time i actually don't know a shit about rape, blackmail and all(cuz I'm still innocent and not really understand english) when i reread those manhuas on this site,,i just like why- ??
and people were hyping for those and that's why I don't understand mangatoon and webcomic's readers
and i regret watching fcking ads for those shit
21 07,2021
So I went to London today and I saw this boy and we made eye contact a good 4 times but I know I’ll never see him again and my crippling anxiety didn’t let me talk to him :D anyways I was rlly sad
21 07,2021
We need JP translators we don't have any tests or what not. We're pretty much chill as well..

- As much as possible Legal age or 15+
- Open with any explicit/extreme genre
- Has experience or willing to learn
- Respectful but chill
15 07,2021
Can someone please beat the shit out of me or slap me because I had slightest urge to push the delete your account button for no reason but I cannot do that cause I love this account I do everything on this account ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
15 07,2021
08 07,2021
Ik i said no more but the art style is just so beautiful and I can't help but wanna see what ya'll make. Have fun guyyss! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
08 07,2021