Same! I've only met two people who knew about that app. One my best friend at the time that I recomended the app to and the other I met him a few months ago. It was great! Sadly I had to delete it years ago because at one point it stopped loading the pages. Then I moved to Mangarock, which I enjoyed alot aswell but... you could say both apps/sites ......   1 reply
03 12,2020
Forg 03 12,2020
what th fuck is that   reply
03 12,2020
What the fuck are 12 year olds doing with this?   1 reply
03 12,2020
Idk maybe because mangago steals hundreds of thousands of dollars.   reply
26 11,2020
idk but this might be a reason why   1 reply
26 11,2020
Literally nothing. A couple people were horny, some were bringing up the fujo argument again, some needed advice, and of course, the usual "10th picture is your reaction to-"   reply
26 11,2020
So what happen?
26 11,2020
Tapas 2000 Ink [Answer]
Calien 20 11,2020
Hey guys! Wanted to clarify that it was a limited time event, so if you use my code now it will not give 2000 but it will give you 500 ink.   1 reply
20 11,2020
y-you... I FINALLY GOT support the author!!! see you in heaven..   reply
20 11,2020
Tapas 2000 Ink [Answer]
Kat 20 11,2020
You son of a bitch.....i'm in. AHAHHAHHAHA AUTHORS I"M COMING FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUU~ *furiousy spends my time supporting authors*   reply
20 11,2020

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