6 days
I'm back to this website...... Every time I have free time, I spend it doing this and I always end up regretting not enjoying being outside and living my life...
It's been like this since I was in studies, if my friends didn't contact me, I would spend all my time reading... A day could have 14 hours of screen time because that was all I did.
Then I had a year abroad, I didn't touch my phone because there was so much to do everyday !!! And it lasted but now that I actually have time, I'm back to this bad habit instead of doing useful things or just being outside living...
Maybe the solution is to read only the actual manga but it's a bother to buy it when you're not very settled yet (in a house). I'm angry at myself because it's such a waste of time!!
If I had to live my week in a loop, I would be sooo sad that my reflex was to look at my phone for hours every day.
It's my first time opening the forum, I don't really need advice, it's just to vent my anger (andddd to see that I'm not alone
It's been like this since I was in studies, if my friends didn't contact me, I would spend all my time reading... A day could have 14 hours of screen time because that was all I did.
Then I had a year abroad, I didn't touch my phone because there was so much to do everyday !!! And it lasted but now that I actually have time, I'm back to this bad habit instead of doing useful things or just being outside living...
Maybe the solution is to read only the actual manga but it's a bother to buy it when you're not very settled yet (in a house). I'm angry at myself because it's such a waste of time!!
If I had to live my week in a loop, I would be sooo sad that my reflex was to look at my phone for hours every day.
It's my first time opening the forum, I don't really need advice, it's just to vent my anger (andddd to see that I'm not alone
recently, i noticed i've been logging into Mangago lesser than before
i don't comment or reply as much as i used to neither do i read as much
life changing shit has happened recently (new job with a higher salary, engagement, etc) and i think it turned my life around for the better
the thing is, this better version doesn't include Mangago as much as before
i might be moving on from this site, but i've definitely made some good memories
i won't leave tho, you're stuck with my idiocy teehee
(also respectfully, fuck you mgg for deleting my bio)
anyway that's it gang, see ya in the forums
i don't comment or reply as much as i used to neither do i read as much
life changing shit has happened recently (new job with a higher salary, engagement, etc) and i think it turned my life around for the better
the thing is, this better version doesn't include Mangago as much as before
i might be moving on from this site, but i've definitely made some good memories
i won't leave tho, you're stuck with my idiocy teehee
(also respectfully, fuck you mgg for deleting my bio)
anyway that's it gang, see ya in the forums
19 08,2023
Honestly so happy I'm single right now. Genuinely should have seen the signs in the beginning and now that we're over they've become 10x worse and honestly I'm so glad I dipped while it wasn't too serious. Like kinda sad about it as I did really like them and saw myself in the future with them but yk. What makes me mad though is that they're lying about me. They're lying about how I am as a person. There's a lot of stuff they're lying about and all of it is really bad but what hits home is that I'm "pro ana." It actually made me cry cause they didn't meet me at my worse, they never watched me recover from an eating disorder that could've killed me. Even with my anorexia I've never been pro ana as I've never promoted eating disorders and always try and help others who have them. But honestly this isn't a surprise from them as they've lied about a bunch of other stuff, the main thing the lied about was their mothet dying so
Wanted to rant about this cause honestly my ex pisses me off, they're a spoilt bitch who can never be happy for others and I'm glad I left them to find someone who will actually love me
Wanted to rant about this cause honestly my ex pisses me off, they're a spoilt bitch who can never be happy for others and I'm glad I left them to find someone who will actually love me
08 08,2023
Is it wrong for me to keep having feelings with my guy friend that I liked for 4 years, while having a boyfriend at the same time? I'm having mixed feelings because I adore my boyfriend but I just can't shake my feelings for my guy friend... What do I do?
I know you got something juicy manga panel saved in your phone come on share the blessings
Is your life going well and everything is going to plan? Well mine isn't so I'm going to give you my 5 steps on how to fuck up your life!
1. Read manga/hwa/hua more than 10 hours a day.
Socializing? don't do that, stay at your room all day eating chips, reading in mangago.
2. Every night after reading, think about how horrible your life is, how untalented you are and how unproductive you are throughout the day but won't do anything about it and the cycle continues.
3. Always think that "I will do it when productivity hits me" , don't schedule anything and wait for that nonexistent motivation to come to you.
4. Set high goals for yourself instead of being specific on what you want to do. Never think I will clean my table but instead go for "I will clean my entire house" because you'll realize later on that there is way too many to clean and you won't be able to accomplish it.
5. Always think that you will never succeed because you aren't born as smart as other people and don't invest meaningful hours in your hobbies and when faced with a difficult situation, just give up!
Sometimes our brain can be stubborn and we want to be happier, more productive so what we should do is ignore it and if possible, be an alcoholic, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, don't do therapy and continue doing this and you'll successfully screw up your life.
1. Read manga/hwa/hua more than 10 hours a day.
Socializing? don't do that, stay at your room all day eating chips, reading in mangago.
2. Every night after reading, think about how horrible your life is, how untalented you are and how unproductive you are throughout the day but won't do anything about it and the cycle continues.
3. Always think that "I will do it when productivity hits me" , don't schedule anything and wait for that nonexistent motivation to come to you.
4. Set high goals for yourself instead of being specific on what you want to do. Never think I will clean my table but instead go for "I will clean my entire house" because you'll realize later on that there is way too many to clean and you won't be able to accomplish it.
5. Always think that you will never succeed because you aren't born as smart as other people and don't invest meaningful hours in your hobbies and when faced with a difficult situation, just give up!
Sometimes our brain can be stubborn and we want to be happier, more productive so what we should do is ignore it and if possible, be an alcoholic, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, don't do therapy and continue doing this and you'll successfully screw up your life.
21 02,2021
what anime manga u think has the most cursed images in them sometimes (mines personally I think demon slayer manga lol)
10 02,2021
if yall wanna start insulting someone, do that shit in dms. as much as id love to see a fight break out, doing it in the replies is just rly cowardly tbh. bc we dont get notifs if you reply to our comment.
08 02,2021
theres another troll and if you look on my message board it seems their targeting me or something and my day was going good till I saw that so yeah
08 02,2021
It’s a romance/thriller I think. All I remember is that once scene where a stray cat peed on the female lead’s shoe and while she went to go get a new pair, her boyfriend killed the cat. :D
08 02,2021
Like that one scene in Jurassic Park where the Brachiosaurus was left on the exploding island had me bawling.
08 02,2021
what do yall think of he/him lesbians using those pronouns for other than safety
08 02,2021
omg hi guyS. welcome back to my chan chAN. No, but for realsies tell me. I am a tEEnAgE GORL and I stopped going to school after the 4th grade. I graduated high school at the age of 15 and am currently attending community colleGE classes for credit. This being said, I never actually attended high school... or middle school... or anything after the 5th grade hEh. NOW HERE'S THE QUESTION LET ME SHUT Up: DID you have an enjoyable experience?
DId you have nice friends and stuff? Did everyone do drugs in the bathroom like on tv? Did they EVEN have the cliques that they SAY they have in every teenage coming of age movie???? What about boyfriends? WERE YOU THE MAIN CHARACTER? what about bullies?
I am very sorry for making you read this.
DId you have nice friends and stuff? Did everyone do drugs in the bathroom like on tv? Did they EVEN have the cliques that they SAY they have in every teenage coming of age movie???? What about boyfriends? WERE YOU THE MAIN CHARACTER? what about bullies?
I am very sorry for making you read this.
02 02,2021
I wasn't sure at first If I should ask for advice on here but I decided to give it a try. It wasn't going to kill me. So I am asexual I had known for a while but Just recently was I able to come out of the closet about it. After I told my parents they didn't believe me at first and said it was just a phase.They also told me that if I wanted to stay asexual and remain in my current religion. I'd have to be single for the rest of my life. Prior to this I had been in many relationships. And so now knowing that the romantic love I wanted wasn't going to be possible hurt like hell. So tell me folks what should I do? Should I just give up love forever and be content with where I am? Or give up my religion and everything I know for the chance of love?