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I’m curious, because I’ve never had a friend who has read BL as much as I have. Of course I’d have some friends read a couple, but then they’d drop or never pick up new ones. This post isn’t really me begging for friends (that’s never how that works).

Another small question is, how are bigger BL loving communities like discord servers? Are most toxic, or chill and accepting?
17 03,2024
Like fr wtf is that?
17 03,2024
How is trans real
How can genitals not determine gender but surgery can affirm it. How can someone be a he/him lesbian.

What does genderfluid mean, and is it offensive to say you’re in the female mood? I know you’re not supposed to control it but like what does it mean when you “feel masculine”.

Dylan Mulvaney’s song prompted me to ask this. I don’t take offense (as a woman) in that her lyrics depict being a woman is just about shopping and sex, and I don’t actually think thats all that dylan feels. So what do trans woman like actually feel?

I’m not denying trans people are real I just have no idea what it feels like and I’m trying not to be biased, I’m sorry if I invalidated you/your experience, there is nothing wrong with doing stereotypical female things (as mentioned in dylans song). But like how would one define a woman despite saying the obvious, the way I see it is if you’re trans you just wanna be seen as a different gender (which is the whole metric is identifying as such) Gender is a social construct so it’s not even a real thing right, it’s just how you want to be seen by society.

Also what the hell does pansexuals do. I know the meaning and as I’m typing this I assume you can still be attracted to people but I guess you don’t “fall in love” until you really get to know them (correct me if I’m wrong)

I know minimal history on transsexuals, that there is a science for it but younger trans people kinda dismiss the term. I halfway know the trans med idea: based in that gender dysphoria is in a sense a mental illness that’s “cured” by surgery. (Could be very wrong!!)

One last thing being “genderless” is something I really don’t understand. I dont necessarily feel too attached to the female gender but I don’t really question because of the XX. I’m wondering if someone could explain what that would feel like, being genderless/they/them

Ultimately I will respect people’s pronouns as in most cases (lol neo) it’s easy and using a new name is also very simple. But I still have these questions and I’m just a silly curious person on what it’s actually like not being cis.
17 03,2024
How you all deal with homophobic people

If you see some brat in social media spared being homophobic = chad sigma bla bla
When people get over annoying and start criticism extremely level with you did you try to deal with it and how
What you think about them??

Yes I know some LGBT sometimes make annoyed to people doesn't it mean you can cause every lgbt for that just like some female making fake feminists you causing all women for it by criticism and some men are rapist but you're causing every man is same etc.
26 11,2023
BLs vs Gay men irl
Irl most gays act "sissy", well the one I've seen, and they like men, but in BLs the only thing gay about is that they like men, idk if it's because in Asia gay people act different or idk

This is just a random thing that came to my mind

The Color Brown
I think when people say that Brown is an ugly color their just saying because most people do(like the fact people think Levi from aot is hot) but if you really think about it Brown looks good in a lot of things like makeup, skin color, outfits, houses, some foods. You just need to use the right Brown for the right thing.

Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.
02 07,2021
was anyone just very VERY obsessed with gender bender shows, books, animes, webtoons? Cause I would literally spend hours searching things related to gender-bender, some of the kdramas i use to watch were sick but somehow they always did awfully bad at making the girl look like a boy lol.
02 07,2021
Do you know how they say that there are not supposed to be any mirrors in your dreams?


in my dream I wanted a hair cut so I went to the hair salon, there I saw myself as a white, blonde, obese lady.

I'm not white

i don't have blond hair

so what even-

my sister told me that it's the person your subconscious brain wants to communicate with. i-
02 07,2021
CoCoBean 02 07,2021
does anybody else find it annoying when u dont wanna label ur sexuality or gender so u just go as "queer" both sexually and as your gender, and people ask you- "Yeah i get that but what ARE you?"

like im QUEER. No label dude, leave me alone omg.

also mangago's kaomojis are so cute wtf ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
02 07,2021
Im joining a google meet and Im nervous :(
02 07,2021
hye bitches
01 07,2021
talking about anything but it must or definitely gay
01 07,2021
I have concluded that taking and eating the ice straight from the freezer actually makes your toungue stick to it
The cartoons were kinda not lying and i learned this the hard way
My toungue hurts
01 06,2021
So i tried making my pfp have my photo then have my name on the bottom but its a bit blurry :<
I think it still looks cool tho :D
If theres any way to make this better then please tell me ;~;
01 06,2021
How do i explain to my friend without sounding offensive, that it weirds me out that they're using the word "heat" to describe their mood. I'm dying here, I don't know what to do. They've been saying they're in heat almost all the time and I don't know what to do ineedhelppleasewhatthefuckamisupposedtodo
Also how can I properly educate them about the rape trope in yaoi bc I think they're liking it more than they should and calling at as the "top being a sadist" when it's not like that...
01 06,2021
How do i explain to my friend without sounding offensive, that it weirds me out that they're using the word "heat" to describe their mood. I'm dying here, I don't know what to do. They've been saying they're in heat almost all the time and I don't know what to do ineedhelppleasewhatthefuckamisupposedtodo
Also how can I properly educate them about the rape trope in yaoi bc I think they're liking it more than they should and calling at as the "top being a sadist" when it's not like that...
01 06,2021
How do i explain to my friend without sounding offensive, that it weirds me out that they're using the word "heat" to describe their mood. I'm dying here, I don't know what to do. They've been saying they're in heat almost all the time and I don't know what to do ineedhelppleasewhatthefuckamisupposedtodo
Also how can I properly educate them about the rape trope in yaoi bc I think they're liking it more than they should and calling at as the "top being the sadist" when it's not like that :'D
01 06,2021
30 05,2021
Dude i went to in person school and theirs this HOT ASS GIRL like DAMN MOMMY but my parents are homophobic and every single person in my family too. And i cant even use the excuse that shes my best friend because they already found out about that shit ╥﹏╥ and like i dont have balls to confess to her so how do i like put myself out their before in person ends(⌒▽⌒) HELP
30 05,2021
Honestly, my grammar is a little bad but whatever, CONTEXT: Im bi but have a preference for girls.
I have this friend who always calls me and my friend (who is lesbian) “weird” and “not normal”, when we’re talking about girls and saying how they're so pretty. Most of my friends don’t say anything about it though cause they think it’s a "joke"(bullshit). And she always says to this guy “I bet you still gay!”, and "I hope your parent hate you for being gay". I feel is kinda bad cause you're using sexuality to make fun of someone so I’m kinda pissed about that. Plus they don't even know his sexuality?? So why tf are you saying that. I wanna tell her I'm bi but I'm kinda scared and don't know how to tell her. :(
30 05,2021
My mfing neighbours be like "yOU'Re goNNa Go tO hELLl" cause they found out I'm not a cishet. So mf? Does it effect you? No? Why the fuck do you care? Mf I take baths and showers with the heat all the way up, I have been training for this, I wanna get a hot demon boyfriend or like, a succubus MILF. I will bring a floatie down to hell so I can sit in it while in the boiling blood, I will start a rave, I will train to become a demon. I will make out with anyone who will let me cause apparently all the gays are gonna be down there and it's gonna be one big pride parade. It's better than being in a boring-ass church singing random words all day.
15 05,2021
15 05,2021
What is the craziest thing you have ever done in your life?
15 05,2021
Stardust 07 02,2021
Did you know that being LGBT+ is illegal in 70 countries and you could be given death penalty in 12 countries just for being lgbt+?
07 02,2021