Looks to me like couple of lying christians going to hell smh   reply
20 10,2020
15 bucks says none of those fuckers were ever gay in the first place and they’re all just a bunch of Bible thumping heteros. Religious people never cease to amaze me.   2 reply
20 10,2020
The Freedom March is just a bunch of shitty religious cishets pretending to be "formerly lgbtq" in order to push their jesus bullshit. They practically admit to it on their website.   1 reply
20 10,2020
Seeing the word Christianity in the link tells me all I need to know. But fr this is prolly just the result of stress from the pandemic so people suddenly turn to God. Who knows. Anyways, nothing is wrong with being a part of lgbtq+ Y’all aren’t “sinning” there’s nothing wrong with just loving who u wanna love so I would say ignore this b......   2 reply
20 10,2020
Please, I need some answers because I am confused right now...   1 reply
20 10,2020
I ask this question because I'm thinking of maybe looking into to it. I won't go into detail why on here...But I wanted what people thought of something like this. It seems to be a growing movement. Is it? Is it good? Seems one can stop identifying as Gay. I learned of this about a week ago from someone else and looked into it a bit. Again, thoughs? And please, I need serious answers.
(Please read or skim if you can)
20 10,2020
Eating...outside? What does that even mean? What's... 'outside'? AND WHAT IS ALL THOSE WEIRD WORDS YOU'VE BEEN TYPING? YOU MEAN THERE'S MORE THAN JUST BREAD IN LIFE!?!?!?! yW&Hr?bfGNIuhy$fr3GBTyit?$%r#dewfgr *Cry in Poor*   reply
14 10,2020
I've been craving steak since the first day of quarantine ╥﹏╥   3 reply
28 07,2020
Dude I miss Banchan sooo much. ┗( T﹏T )┛ I really want Pupusas (specifically cheese with pork) and Pao de Queijo (Brazilian cheese bread). I also want a thiccc slice of Hvit Dame (princess cake) so bad. Any marzipan lovers will love this cake. There's a bakery that sells BOTH Hvit Dame and Pao de Queijo and is just a Bart ride away from w......   1 reply
28 07,2020
Hungryy [Experience]
wet0mega 07 05,2020
I'm so hungryy rn, like I need to go to the grocery store but they closed early bc of quarantine today. And I can smell the food from my neighbores cooking and it's seriously making my mouth water omg. I'll try to get food delivered here, bc my stomach's killing me lmao.   1 reply
07 05,2020

Search thing


People who have experience of this