Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
14 12,2023
14 12,2023
Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
Lowest °C/°F
14 12,2023
Please shear lowest temperature at your area in whole week
Please put °C or °F so it easy to understand
Please put °C or °F so it easy to understand
04 04,2020
I know this is a weird place to ask this, but I don't know what to do anymore since Google doesn't help much and my doctor's office is closed due to the quarantine. I always used to get cold sores, but fairly rarely. In the past 2 years I've been getting them frequently and it is too painful and uncomfortable for me to handle so often. Anyone have some sort of knowledge or advice for me or know something I can take for it(to prevent cuz I know there's medicine for after you get it though it doesn't do much for me)?