06 05,2021
06 05,2021
06 05,2021
06 05,2021
damn the skin tones rlly just consists of 3 shades of beige   reply
06 05,2021
06 05,2021
Y'all ain't competing with these cuties   reply
06 05,2021
I'm not old enough to adopt you, but we're related now and your shithead father can go commit scooter ankle   1 reply
06 05,2021
06 05,2021
Am I a cute girl?   1 reply
06 05,2021
I don know it's just tht quarantine made me little fatty and more lazy my sleeping pattern got worse , I have read sooo many mangas in this past quarantine .   reply
06 05,2021
ifibackitup 06 05,2021
ok but like it's girls like these that make me glad to be BI   reply
06 05,2021
shitty experience [Experience]
06 05,2021
at the start of quarantine, i was so goddamn happy because who wouldn't? i mean no schools?? heck yeah but after sometime i started to get bored and felt the need to do something significant, something productive. i followed a framework in order to be productive, the first week it was all cool however at some point probably 2-3 week after that, i......   reply
06 05,2021
She's so pretty omg   reply
06 05,2021

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