15 08,2023
you're not the only one. 3 years ago on the internet I was your typical uwu person. gosh it's fucking embrassing I want to kms.   reply
15 08,2023
15 08,2023
It's ok most of us cringe at things we did less than a day ago :D   reply
15 08,2023
15 08,2023
I hope you're ok D: lol Do you have creaky bones and pain? or is it that you're feeling depressed? Teen years are tough, especially age 16 when you typically don't have as much freedom as young adult would but are still expected to start growing up and being more independent.   reply
15 08,2023
15 08,2023
I used a lot of kaomoji's that's all I'm gonna say.   reply
15 08,2023
Bro I was out here writing essays in the answer section 2 years ago. Like girl nobody is gonna read all that.   1 reply
15 08,2023
15 08,2023
it's a canon event if you look back and doesn't cringe, you're doing smth wrong   reply
15 08,2023
Stardust 15 08,2023
Do yall ever look at your past self and cringe hard? Like I am turning 20 tommorow and I was reading through my answers on mangago forums from 2 years ago and they are so embarrassing
15 08,2023
Junii 08 05,2021
normally ill be woken up and open presents and cards but get a ton of money and go shopping sprees in london with my 1 friend have sleepover and get rlly nice food probs aswell   reply
08 05,2021
Mostly we wait until 12 to surprise with cake and flower bouquet . If we don't then we wish at the end of the day before 12 am making them feel like we forgot. Every year this is the routine for the 5 of us . Sometimes we get gifts if we ask for and we have a feast on our birthdays you can have whatever you wish for Alhamdulillah   1 reply
27 04,2021
I don't.   reply
27 04,2021

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