Travel To A Different Country

No.... Well, there's this girl I know who loves Yaoi but we're not that close, we're more like acquaintances, so I can't really call her a friend.... I have this one friend tho who once said she loves Yaoi but I'm not sure I believe her because she never talked about it in school, more like avoided talking about it? So yeah, I'm a lonely little blo......   1 reply
18 08,2016
OF COURSE, YES..Hmm..ahahahah I think maybe I have six sense in me.. when I see her face.. I know she's one of my kind..(fujoshi) and we get along well..I GOT LUCKY that she is my senpai!~~ she show me the other level of fujoshi~~ (^0^)/ sugoii yo na.. and guess what she even have boyfriend that love yuri genre.. well the part that make me think we......   reply
18 08,2016
Nooooo T^T I have only one friend who likes anime (my BFF :3) and the only time I tried to convert her it didn't work (and it was at shounen ai level), now when I mention or make an allusion to yaoi she reacts like "noooo, please don't make me remembeeeer D':" though she says it half serious half kidding and she sees yaoi in anime who aren't too >.......   reply
18 08,2016
I have a friend. The two of us will talk and hangout and call each other all the time for like a month. then we just stop our schedules stop lining up. We don't really mind that much. And like amonth later, (i think the longest time was six months) she will give me a call and our conversation will go some thing like this: Me : Hello? Her: Hey hows......   reply
18 08,2016
I HAD one, when I was a dumb homophobic 11 year old, she was really homophillic and loved shipping guys (eren and armin - still against that ship omg) , just for her I tried to overcome it and I watched sekaiichi hatsukoi, AND I WAS HOOKED!!! now shes just grossed out by my fujoshi-ness, I dont see her as much now. . . (⊙…⊙ )   reply
18 08,2016
Well, I have a friend I have introduced to yaoi a few months ago. I made her watch Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (btw it was my first yaoi ♡•♡) and fortunately, she liked it. I don't know if she watched/read other yaoi, but I know there's some in her wish-list (=・ω・=). And since I made her discover this genre, she's started to ship characters from ......   2 reply
18 08,2016
18 08,2016
Yes. And she's the one that made me into fujoshi. Looooool. I remember hating yaoi back then and look at where I am now. Reading yaoi with a straight face even with broken kokoro. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
18 08,2016
Nope... I hope so, eventually though! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
18 08,2016
im the only fujoshi, or person that actually likes anime and manga, in my friend group, so i have to fangirl alone :')   reply
18 08,2016
Nope. I hope that changes, though! *Staying hopeful*   reply
18 08,2016

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