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What the small thing that immediately pisses you off?
Men and people who lack common sense/manners. I'm not your mother, why should I have to te...
What the small thing that immediately pisses you off?
When people comment and ask if it’s a bl and when it isn’t, they respond how disappoi...
Have you ever had a fall out with a friend so bad it hurt worse than getting sta...
Its been 2 yrs now- welp I knew him for 6 months and he just pulled up a "no contact" on a...
What the small thing that immediately pisses you off?
My school. I HATE it so fucking much. I HATE the teachers, the students, the infrastructur...
Have you ever had a fall out with a friend so bad it hurt worse than getting sta...
lost a friend ive had for 15 years over how we view people and it hurt worse than any brea...

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