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Zeroken09 : Hyunjae indirectly said he’s into yoojin?! Ahhhhhh my heart. Also what is heck is happening? Yoohyun still hasnt regained his memories?
Blackthorne1130 : GIRL THAT'S A WHOLE DAMN HOUSE??
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Annaka : Read this in a day, i swear this has been a ROLLERCOASTER, the translation was pretty bad in some parts but my heart is still racing and i love them both soooo much omg
Ashkan : Thought its back
Mxrie : need atelier to have its own story too lowkey
ur mom : guy she literally said in like the ending para that 1. she cried while drawing this episode 2. she will not give her lovely babies a bad ending ; reading that LITERALLY let me heave a big sigh of relief oh mygoddddd