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yamamabitch : well most of them are, like cat and dog food. these foods are made with ingredients that are edible to humans, and sometimes they're leftovers from processed ingredients like say baby carrots. not that they're nasty or anything it's also sustainable. so it makes sense why they're alive after eating an obviously cat/dog food since it's canned like that. also, these pet food are taste tested by humans! companies actually hire humans to give feedback on it, though there are some companies that does experiments by letting dogs use their sense of smell and lick which one they prioritise (better tasting)
greyghost13 : *daddy Howard has entered chat*
......but probably not for long..:((
Sonnybie : I'm bored so I'm writing this ch 23 summary:
ML asks MC why he doesn't do more than contact guiding (like sex) is it because he's daily life will become promiscuous, or he thinks it will be impossible to have a relationship if he guides each & everyone (job of a guide towards a guild) or its his hobby of MC to clear his head (by offering guiding) . Or because of Guild leader who he thought is ugly.

MC is hard rn through that kiss so ML is offering to serve him lol how? even MC also doesn't know yet what type of service... Well MC denies the offer and then he falls back hitting the table and reminds ML the conditions when he signed up for the guild why he doesn't give more than necessary touch guiding

ML says the guiding session is already over (the kiss) , & just wanted to improve MC's mood (take care of his erection) , he says he can do it for MC when MC denies he asks if he does not want anyone to see 'that' place? Is that why MC likes to take care of it himself? Lol he jokes if MC put honey on it? (Probably smells sweet)

MC asks if his guidance just now was effective or not? ML says not to be worried the esper's eyes will turn yellow before esper explodes (when it's too much to handle) and that it changes color even if esper's excited (t.n: smirk). MC asks if it's sexual excitement he's talking about? Which ML says he said that already & he gets errection whenever he sees MC's sexy face...

ML says isn't it torture that he can smell his excitement (on his holes) (ass and pp) (like slick on omegas?) but he can't taste it ... And that if he can smell it then MC can also smell him ...

Then he lays him on the table , pops open his shirt & drools

End of summary