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pancake : as if hes cheating on u like boy, dont u know how he obsessively love u?????

the girl must be exaggerating about the meeting with a girl, anw i hate cheating but im actually calm rn bec i just know if someones gonna cheat, that wouldn't be Cha Dohyeon.
Hua LanXia : So the novel clear it up: MLs message with the sik scarf to her back then was was either shut up or die. In the novel it was implied that she forced him to make her the the empress and legitimate companion but he didn’t care back then, so he just sent her the scarf as a warning, thinking that MC would choose not kill herself but she did.

So after she died, he suffers from the after effects of vomiting black blood 12x a day for around 2 to 3 years before going mad and killing everyone then turned back time.
shiki : the story is getting kinda boring to be honest