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Yoongles : I'm speechless. Jaemin was manipulative, Daon was selfish and indecisive.

Soohyun..... My poor Soohyun. He was honest all this time to Daon but what did he get? He's ready for Daon. All this time, it's for Daon.

This story is frustrating
• みなみ • : I want to see next chapter nowww
jay : this is one of the most satisfying story I ever read! I like how they told the story, how it's happening real time and just back stories.
kirishimahoe : disappointed with all minister and kingdom. what a fucked up situation that requires the emperor to have 4 concubines after he married the empress..... i hope emperor didn't do anything towards the concubine...... emperor is green flag but easily irritated by the words of empress + empress cant do anything since shes fake. emperor can do better
AFTER EIGHT : Can't stop laughing at her method acting and his facial expression. These two are so funny.