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jalexter : why tf does she keep letting herself get dragged around???? like??? even when she came to ML's office with the sword, looking all menacing... she just immediately gave up when she saw his face...??? like girl, STAND UP!!!!!!
Girlga : Introvert but not shy (▰˘◡˘▰)
Katak (certified hater) : the whole premise of the story is such a scary potrayal of how utterly powerless you are, as a young female, lower nobility against any higher power. like she can't deny any of the ML's requests, no matter how weirded out or creepy it is, she can't outright reject/show a negative reaction to them nor their actions. it's fucking scary as hell.
like yes, the whole reason she started interacting with them was because, she WANTS to increase the affection lvl so that she can go back home, but the utter powerlessness she realistically potrayed is genuinely scary to read, but i do think it's good.