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Other manga by the same author(s)

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Ch.30 : Not At All, It's Not Like...

Oct 26, 2018

Ch.29 : Imao

Oct 25, 2018

Ch.28 : The Sound Of Silence

Oct 24, 2018

Ch.27 : Sympathy

Oct 23, 2018

Ch.26 : An Unexpected Meeting?

Oct 23, 2018

Ch.25 : Mattsun's Maiden Intuition

Oct 22, 2018

Ch.24 : A Bit Self

Oct 21, 2018

Ch.23 : Tomorrow's Forecast: High Winds Continue

Oct 20, 2018

Ch.22 : Equal

Oct 19, 2018

Ch.21 : An Impossibly Hard Game

Oct 18, 2018

Ch.20 : Habit

Oct 17, 2018

Ch.19 : Before The School Day Ends

Oct 17, 2018

Ch.18 : Was It Just My Imagination?

Oct 17, 2018

Ch.17 : Scene Of The First Love

Oct 16, 2018

Ch.16 : Tsuyuki

Oct 15, 2018

Ch.15 : Delusion (Unembellished)

Oct 14, 2018

Ch.14 : Recon

Oct 13, 2018

Ch.13 : Lady Killer

Oct 12, 2018

Ch.12 : Love Director

Oct 11, 2018

Ch.11 : A Sweet Fragrance

Oct 10, 2018

Ch.10 : The Anyway Supportive Girl, Mattsun

Oct 9, 2018

Ch.9 : The Forward Looking Boy,

Oct 8, 2018

Ch.8 : Tsuyuki

Oct 7, 2018

Ch.7 : An Unintentional Beanballer

Oct 6, 2018

Ch.6 : Why?

Oct 5, 2018

Ch.5 : A Secret Love

Oct 4, 2018

Ch.4 : Like, To Venus Or Something?

Oct 3, 2018

Ch.3 : Secret Conversation

Oct 3, 2018

Ch.2 : Normal Everyday

Oct 2, 2018

Ch.1 : Femme Fatale

Oct 2, 2018
click to show all of the chapters


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