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strawberry : Everything about this is shit don't read it if you want to save your braincells because i feel like i lost mine. The storytelling is shit. The story is shit. The characters are shit. I thought SOMETHING would happen and maybe the story would turn for the better so i kept reading but i reached the end of the story before i knew it and the characters and story remained shit.
Even when characters are shitty people there are stories when they have depth and are beautifully complex. But the characters here are so flat and boring. They're all just shitty and abusive
I made the mistake of reading this shit because i saw a video recommending this but don't make the same mistake i did. This manhwa is a waste of time
medchan : I normally don't complain about art style changes or quality. Sometimes, I don't even notice them. But at this point, the current artist needs to review anatomy. I'm not trying to mean or cruel, just constructive criticism. A quick anatomy refresher could potentially help so much with the art quality. The shapes of the head and face would stay consistent and the body proportions would feel more natural. Some references for how people naturally stand, slouch, walk, dance, etc could help in the future. My art medium is completely different, so I won't pretend that I could do better, but these little refreshers and tweaks could help stem the complaints about art quality.

That said, I'm probably going to put this one on hold for a while because it's getting painful for me to read. I used to look forward to each chapter. Now it feels like a chore.
Don : Is everyone screaming?
Truck-kun ♡ Isekai-sama : Im here after marathoning whole 268 chapters. Im glad theres character development, im happy that all the political shit resolve cleanly. To whom wondering when the prologue timeline happen, no, 268 chapters not enough to get there. But im pretty sure s3 we will get that timeline. Idk if its bcs the slow pace or the short chapter but 268 isnt enough, or maybe because i cant wait for our mc to get the prologue point. Ah right, im not even prepare for the angst there, i know it will happen eventually but still not prepare for that, i cried a lot. But im trully glad that everything turns well.