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hanita : ∞/10. a fucking masterpiece. i love damien and chloe so much. I CANT. LIKEE DAMIEN IS THE DEFINITION OF A MAN. I LOVE HIM AND ILL GLADLY WORSHIP THE GROUND HE WALKS ON. kasi istgg NOT ONLY IS HE HOT ASF BUT HE IS ACTUALLY CUNNING, MATURE, MANIPULATIVE, DOMINANT, AND EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT THAT HE IS ALWAYS 3 STEPS AHEAD. he isnt a boy trapped in a man's body who doesnt know basic human interactions, HE IS A MAN YALL. doesnt matter if his whole life is in shambles, he will never abandon his duties and rightfully so. its just realistic. NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE IS UTTERLY, DEEPLY, AND DESPICABLY IN LOVE WITH OUR GIRL :'))) he set my standard so high when it comes to yandere mls and ill gladly put him on a fucking pedestal. and chloe I LOVE HERRR THATS MY FL!!!! she is such a breath of fresh air and everything she does just makes sense. not once was i annoyed by her and shes just so AAA I LOVE HER. shes gorgeous. shes demure. shes classy and she CAN BE CUNNING. i love that she didnt use anyone to hurt anyone cause bffr im done with fls using other men to make their guy jealous. shes so mature about it and i love that for her. she knows who she wants. i love them sm. AND LETS NOT FORGET ABOUT THE PLOT???!!! GOD THE PINING THE YEARNING THE EMOTIONAL DISTRESS THE LOVE IM EATING THIS ALL UPPPP !! I LOVE IT TO THE CORE. ALL MY FAV TROPES DONE RIGHT.