52 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)

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Ch.57 : Kamaitachi

Jan 9, 2023

Ch.56 : Rising Star

Dec 29, 2022

Ch.55 : Once Upon A Time In Shonan

Dec 24, 2022

Ch.54 : Deus Ex Machina

Dec 14, 2022

Ch.53 : To Become Overheated

Dec 7, 2022

Ch.52 : Cram The Night Before A Festival

Dec 1, 2022

Ch.51 : A Rashness Of Youth

Nov 24, 2022

Ch.50 : Turn Professional

Nov 16, 2022

Ch.49 : Throw Off The Mask

Nov 9, 2022

Ch.48 : Blood Will Have Blood

Nov 4, 2022

Ch.47 : It's No Use Crying Over Split Milk

Oct 26, 2022

Ch.46 : Home Is Where You Make It

Oct 21, 2022

Ch.45 : Break Apart At The Seams

Oct 19, 2022

Ch.44 : Warrior Of Liberation

Oct 16, 2022

Ch.43 : Beyond My Expectations

Oct 14, 2022

Ch.42 : Move To Tears

Oct 11, 2022

Ch.41 : Hitting The Ceiling

Oct 9, 2022

Ch.40 : A Piece Of Cake

Oct 7, 2022

Ch.39 : Fight It Out

Oct 7, 2022

Ch.38 : Bring Back The Picture

Oct 6, 2022

Ch.37 : Let's begin with a show of hands

Oct 4, 2022

Ch.36 : A Confession Of Faith

Oct 3, 2022

Ch.35 : A Little Paranoia Never Hurts

Oct 3, 2022

Ch.34 : All Of A Sudden

Oct 3, 2022

Ch.33 : Naked Authority

Oct 1, 2022

Ch.32 : Just Do It

Oct 1, 2022

Ch.31 : Sena

Sep 29, 2022

Ch.30 : Real

Sep 29, 2022

Ch.29 : Regard

Sep 29, 2022

Ch.28 : Replay

Sep 28, 2022

Ch.27 : Rerise

Sep 27, 2022

Ch.26 : Reburn

Sep 27, 2022

Ch.25 : Revolve

Sep 26, 2022

Ch.24 : Resist

Sep 26, 2022

Ch.23 : Resolution

Sep 25, 2022

Ch.22 : Reseek

Sep 25, 2022

Ch.21 : Reignition

Sep 25, 2022

Ch.20 : Regret

Sep 21, 2022

Ch.19 : Remember

Aug 29, 2022

Ch.18 : Respect

Aug 29, 2022

Ch.17 : Realize

Aug 15, 2022

Ch.16 : Responsibility

Aug 12, 2022

Ch.15 : Reply

Aug 11, 2022

Ch.14 : Reverse

Aug 9, 2022

Ch.13 : Remain

Aug 9, 2022

Ch.12 : Rebel

Aug 7, 2022

Ch.11 : Recall

Aug 6, 2022

Ch.10 : Reenter

Aug 6, 2022

Ch.9 : Reselect

Aug 4, 2022

Ch.8 : Refuse

Aug 4, 2022

Ch.7 : Resolve

Aug 4, 2022

Ch.6 : Reraise

Aug 3, 2022

Ch.5 : Redecision

Aug 1, 2022

Ch.4 : Reconflict

Aug 1, 2022

Ch.3 : Reunion

Jul 29, 2022

Ch.2 : Reorient

Jul 29, 2022

Ch.1 : Reborn

Jul 29, 2022
click to show all of the chapters


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