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Rocky1 : This relationship is so toxic I can barely stand to read this sh#t. ML please let the MC go. This guy is verbally and physically abusive and throws tantrums when he can’t have his way. Ugh it’s so frustrating.
nowan : i love little mushroom so much
Rrrthy : Honestly, the way she goes to another country seems right to me. I mean I know it's for the plot but isn't it also for them? Like for the captain to be more expressive for the love he has from his daughter. The king and his daughter needed to be reprimanded also that one knight with the scar on the face. Also, for the prince (he looks like he's the ml) I hope he doesn't resent the princess on her decision. Everyone has a secret and sacrifices between them. I hope they met but in somehow legal age hahaha also I kind of don't like the high priest (idk why)
Also, I hope they would be able to show their relationship to the world. Like I want to see the captain being happy beside his daughter as well as the daughter, I hope she can proudly call him dad without any resentment (if there's any)
~Would hope to see their story in the next season