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MachoNacho : Unpopular opinion: Alex is a little shady atm but as of now I like him way more than moon owl as a ML. I think that Alex and MC fit better personality wise and I honestly think Alex is likely to be the boy from the library especially as opposed to moon owl— I really don’t think moon owl is library boy at all, it just doesn’t really fit. Moon owl isn’t the worst, but he’s focused in his work more than the MC herself (which is understandable, just not what I like in a ML). There’s theories that Alex is there solely for Marianne but that isn’t proven as of now so I’m sticking by him. He’s noticed dissimilarities between Marianne and our MC and obsidian, but has stuck by obsidian (even when amber was posing as a more accurate version of Marianne). Ik they won’t be end game but as of now they’re really cute together and their personalities mesh so well
Phime : When are things going to start becoming more pleasant?!?!?!?!
KENNADIENE : Girl let me tell you
When you were hit by Huge ass truck get back to time and someone’s telling u it was attentional you don’t just ignore it and move on wdym STRANGE SCARY lookin dude who is COVERED up knocking on your door while U LIVE ALONE and u just stfu ab that
Also why tf are u in denial like he saved your life helped you multiple times he is handsome and rich wtf is wrong with you