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Nuu : He is my son, I will protect him with my life
TETSU : Lowkey wanted toxic love BUT ANYWYASSS I LOVE THEM AS A COUPLE BUT LIKE ANYWYAS something strong with me 10/10 ig
ᥫ᭡陈悦ᥫ᭡ : From the beginning of this story, I was already very curious, because it started with a fight and might end with a fight too... However, every time they fight, they all must be sweating... But I never saw them take a bath, change clothes or underwear, and how they take care of their teeth, whatever to other readers who always want to cry with things they already know (It's like seeing the comment "I will cry and bla...bla..bla"which is very boring)... But honestly, I am more curious about their cleanliness...( ̄∇ ̄")
Zhen : cmon it's not our fault noona pulled the guy you wanted, tbf i don't think he'd ever want you either..