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Hattiert : Does anyone think that maybe the dragon has plans for bringing the real Lehir back? He talked The Balance into giving him Lehir because Julius offered The Balance fake Lehir’s eternal suffering until his soul disappears, but it also took The Darkness, which wasn’t offered. ( Not sure I understand that part) The dragon said that was breaking the rules and would come back to affect The Balance, so he agreed…….I think I got that right. Anyway, why have that conversation in the story at all? It must mean something? Lol, maybe I’m hoping so much that I’m grasping at straws.
Shunsuke : Can everyone just stop lashing out just because they are scared of the consequences of their own actions? Like damn you are an adult.

P.S. I like how we all agreed to call the priest "chalk priest". I love you all
Nikko nikko ni : Where can i read the novel T.T
MachoNacho : Does anyone know what chapter the manwha is at in the novel?? I wanna pick up where it’s at
Igris_theDarkKnight : Anybody got spoilers for this particular part and so forth? Like I know Izek will stay by Ruby's side always but I just wanna know some of the shit that'll go down