424 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.27 Ch.81 : Metamorphosis

Dec 22, 2015

Vol.27 Ch.80 : Once Upon A Time

Dec 22, 2015

Vol.27 Ch.79 : All Like Flowers

Dec 22, 2015

Vol.26 Ch.78 : Conviction is Everything

Dec 10, 2015

Vol.26 Ch.77 : Whether Bloom or Fall

Dec 10, 2015

Vol.26 Ch.76 : Sinful As It May Be

Dec 10, 2015

Vol.25 Ch.75 : Liars

Dec 2, 2015

Vol.25 Ch.74 : The Mask

Dec 1, 2015

Vol.25 Ch.73 : The Real One

Oct 17, 2015

Vol.24 Ch.72 : For Whom

Sep 2, 2015

Vol.24 Ch.71 : With 'God', Humans, and Puppets

Sep 2, 2015

Vol.24 Ch.70 : Fruition

Sep 2, 2015

Vol.23 Ch.69 : Vol 19Behind the Curtains

Aug 23, 2015

Vol.23 Ch.68

May 4, 2015

Vol.23 Ch.67 : Vol 19

Mar 10, 2015

Vol.22 Ch.66 : Vol 19

Feb 2, 2015

Vol.22 Ch.65 : Vol 19

Nov 7, 2014

Vol.22 Ch.64 : Vol 19

Oct 13, 2014

Vol.21 Ch.63 : Vol 19

Oct 8, 2014

Vol.21 Ch.62 : And Now A Stream

Sep 2, 2014

Vol.21 Ch.61

Jul 2, 2014

Vol.20 Ch.60 : Vol 19

Jun 3, 2014

Vol.20 Ch.59 : Vol 19

Jun 3, 2014

Vol.20 Ch.58 : Vol 19

Apr 23, 2014

Vol.19 Ch.57

Apr 2, 2014

Vol.19 Ch.56.5 : Vol 19

Jan 31, 2014

Vol.19 Ch.56 : fixed

Feb 3, 2014

Vol.19 Ch.55

Feb 4, 2014

Vol.18 Ch.54

Jan 22, 2014

Vol.18 Ch.53

Jan 22, 2014

Vol.18 Ch.52

Jan 7, 2014

Vol.17 Ch.51.5 : Vol 17 Silent

May 30, 2014

Vol.17 Ch.51

Jan 23, 2014

Vol.17 Ch.50 : Vol 19

Dec 2, 2013

Vol.17 Ch.49.5

Feb 1, 2014

Vol.17 Ch.49

Nov 2, 2013

Vol.16 Ch.48 : Vol 16

Mar 7, 2013

Vol.16 Ch.47 : Vol 16

Mar 7, 2013

Vol.16 Ch.46 : Vol 16

Oct 8, 2013

Vol.15 Ch.45

Oct 8, 2013

Vol.15 Ch.44

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.15 Ch.43

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.14 Ch.40-42

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.13 Ch.37-39

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.12 Ch.34-36

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.11 notice.31-33 : (Corrected)

Ernie Apr 12, 2024

Vol.10 notice.28-30 : (Corrected)

Ernie Apr 12, 2024

Vol.9 Ch.25-27

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.8 Ch.22-24

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.7 Ch.19-21 : fixed

Aug 25, 2015

Vol.6 Ch.16-18

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.5 Ch.13-15

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.4 Ch.10-12

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.3 Ch.07-09

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.2 Ch.04-06

Feb 11, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01-03

Feb 11, 2011
click to show all of the chapters


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