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Skywalker24 : I finished reading the novel long ago, and honestly, the novel is far superior to the manga. They literally changed the male characters into females, and there's a hint of harem everywhere. They ruined this novel's masterpiece
FancyTrash : I’ll list it as Not fataphobic. FL knows the risks of how the character she possesses died in the story, and one possibility could be due to numerous health conditions that come from being overweight and unhealthy, thus she decided to start working out. She also wanted a second chance in life since in her previous time, she had been in the hospital for the most part, and wants to go out and do the things she wants to do without the burden of being unhealthy.

Fataphobia is the fear of fat people and to constantly insult them based on the definition. If we try to put that into context here, FL has not made any hatred towards her body, and through the month she had decided to lose weight, never complained about how fat she was.