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Naty Hunter : "Any promising candidates?"
Miss aide using the spyglass to look at kitty: "idk"
craftyvan : I was actually invested with the drama between these 2 sisters & trash husband. It was frustrating & despicable.Then came the ML emperor with a bland personality. It was boring It was irritating to see plot dragging then suddenly rush to ending. Can't see the chemistry between FL & ML.
TachibanaChiharu : 117
Cirrus full-on red-eye unhinged.
Dongsik getting the total ass-beating he deserved, even if this particular situation was not Dongsik's fault. Cirrus proving that fear of him is not unfounded. Implication that Chan-Il is next in line for an ass-beating.

I don't know who is really in the wrong here, tbh. Cirrus broke trust with Skylar, yes, prior to them dating, and never admitted it. Trust is the key to successful relationships. However, the infraction Cirrus committed was really minor IMO. It happened before they were dating, and let's be honest, Chan-Il was never going to date Skylar. Cirrus didn't force Chan-Il and his cousin to like each other when they were introduced. He just enabled their meeting (for selfish reasons). It was really an inevitable situation and Cirrus just accelerated it happening. Skylar suffered under an unrequited situation for a shorter time due to Cirrus's interference. Is this a blessing? Or, should it be Skylar's choice to suffer this situation for as long as he can tolerate it? Probably. But because this is so questionable, it doesn't really seem hard to forgive. I feel like this is blown way out of proportion for the offense committed.

Anyway, there is an outside possibility that Chan-Il might be bisexual, but it's also been shown that Chan-Il is just plain nice to everyone. I once thought we'd end up with a love triangle where Chan-Il was actually after Cirrus (but didn't think Cirrus would humor him) so dated his similar-appearance female cousin instead. But then Chan-Il got all bent out of shape at Cirrus and his cousin being affectionate. I'm not really sure where Chan-Il's true stance is yet, but it doesn't seem to be in Skylar's direction as far as I can tell.