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Charmed : The glasses dude is so trifling, he didn’t even suggest a restaurant. Mf just immediately made up some shit so she couldn’t go
fujoshigrl : Guy literally was there doing nothing waited for her to drown herself then went to save her gosh I saw this on twitter thinking it's good story but lmao its the story I read on wattpad when I was 12 is this new thing for those ppl who didn't read wattpad stories???! Anyway im disappointed and honestly the second dude was more interesting cuz he have at least some charm and personality what's up with this male lead ahhhh im out but really nice art it's pity the story is
Chenzilla : This webtoon is so entertaining and I’m really intrigued, but then plot is just jumping all over the place.

We don’t get to settle on things for long before it quickly moves on. For instance the MC coughing up blood and fainting, next chapter she’s fine and all healed, then she is sick again and wham all healed.

Another is when they find out the flower helps cure the sickness, any other webtoon that would be at least 3 chapters long, going into explanation and seeing them discover and produce a cure. Here we find out and then next chapter the cure is already made and being distributed.

Heck even the latest few chapter it felt like so much was crammed in; the duke hostility, finding out how infected the north was, distributing the cure, the sick family in the in etc etc like that’s at least 10 chapters worth of content. Like we haven’t emotionally bonded with the inn family, wouldn’t it have been more impactful had the MC and Prince stayed there for the night, or the little girl had helped them out prior?

There’s not a moment to take things in, it feels like we’re rushing the plot yet we’re unable to process any of the information sigh.
Really enjoying this story, but I just wish they would allow us to take things in.
BlackW : I thought this gonna end and No!!! It's still going boy;;;; The next antagonist are the yamazaki clan lol(I think?)
gambatte… : Need more dungeon stories with female mcs plsplspls. the story here isnt good nor is that art but im still eating it up….
Polarou : Spoiler for those who hate harems like me. The mc will end up with like 4 or 5 wives btw. The mage, the saint, the barbarian girl n two more. I dropped it at like chapter 40+ but if u like it just continue ig