14 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.8 Ch.55 : Shangri-La

Oct 26, 2022

Vol.8 Ch.54 : Mountains

Oct 15, 2022

Vol.8 Ch.53 : Rematch

Oct 6, 2022

Vol.8 Ch.52 : Anger

Sep 20, 2022

Vol.8 Ch.51 : Tragedy

Sep 8, 2022

Ch.50 : Terror

Sep 1, 2022

Vol.7 Ch.49 : Unconditional

Aug 20, 2022

Vol.7 Ch.48 : Illusion

Aug 6, 2022

Vol.7 Ch.47 : Unity

Jul 28, 2022

Vol.7 Ch.46 : Cheers

Jul 28, 2022

Vol.7 Ch.45 : Treatment

Jun 30, 2022

Vol.7 Ch.44 : Weakness

Jun 23, 2022

Vol.7 Ch.43 : Maiden

Jun 16, 2022

Vol.6 Ch.42 : Poison

Jun 5, 2022

Ch.41 : Doctor

May 25, 2022

Vol.6 Ch.40 : Two

May 17, 2022

Vol.6 Ch.39 : Fight

May 11, 2022

Ch.38 : Return

May 1, 2022

Vol.6 Ch.37 : Wish

Apr 17, 2022

Vol.6 Ch.36 : Liberation

Apr 5, 2022

Vol.5 Ch.35 : Lamentation

Mar 27, 2022

Vol.5 Ch.34 : Activation

Mar 13, 2022

Vol.5 Ch.33 : Void

Mar 5, 2022

Vol.5 Ch.32 : Explosion

Feb 23, 2022

Vol.5 Ch.31 : Self

Feb 12, 2022

Vol.5 Ch.30 : Father

Jan 25, 2022

Ch.29 : Punishment

Jan 5, 2022

Vol.4 Ch.28 : Cogs

Dec 25, 2021

Vol.4 Ch.27 : Factory

Dec 5, 2021

Vol.4 Ch.26 : Fists

Nov 23, 2021

Vol.4 Ch.25 : Abduction

Nov 9, 2021

Vol.4 Ch.24 : Solo

Nov 2, 2021

Vol.4 Ch.23 : North

Oct 20, 2021

Vol.4 Ch.22 : Hundred

Oct 12, 2021

Vol.3 Ch.21 : Game

Oct 2, 2021

Vol.3 Ch.20 : Osaka

Sep 23, 2021

Vol.3 Ch.19 : Even

Sep 18, 2021

Vol.3 Ch.18 : Fall

Sep 8, 2021

Vol.3 Ch.17 : Stairs

Aug 22, 2021

Ch.16 : Turn

Aug 8, 2021

Ch.15 : Doubt

Jul 28, 2021

Ch.14 : Bullet

Jul 28, 2021

Ch.13 : Assassin

Jul 28, 2021

Ch.12 : Siblings

Jul 28, 2021

Ch.11 : Frozen

Jul 28, 2021

Ch.10 : Palace

Jul 28, 2021

Ch.9 : Ideal

Jul 28, 2021

Ch.8 : Earth

Jul 28, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.7 : Invitation

Mar 17, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.6 : Companion

Mar 6, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.5 : Chakram

Feb 17, 2021


Jun 18, 2012


Jun 18, 2012


Jun 18, 2012


Jun 18, 2012
click to show all of the chapters


These lists have this manga