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miffy : ngl i don’t understand his position as director… yall i’m confused pls explain what’s going on
Yo! Wha'ts up? : im confused, s2 or side stories? If it's s2 then I need to prepare myself from the commitment HAHAHAH
Shay : Rip fleas
Couch-Potato : Something has always felt off about the dialogue in this comic and I had a hard time putting my finger in it. I figured it out a few chapters ago and have observed to make sure. They are far too direct with their feelings when talking to each other. I know they want to communicate with each other well, but people just don’t talk like that most of the time. It’s just a bit off putting and pulls me out of the story since it’s so unnatural. Don’t get me wrong, I still really like this, but it just bothers me. Anyone else notice this?
Nixzawa : this is probably almost over right?
Nai : Gonna let this marinate for a month