: I saw my brother watching a manhwa recap of another streaming manhwa and my first thought was I wonder if genius Archer has updated (actually it was more along the lines of I wanna see almond) And LO and Behold CHAP 51! trust u instincts chat
: ain't no way hwita went to hyojo's palace w/ no plan or at least a weapon the ml and fl share half a braincell
: I love this!! Also, it’s so nice seeing the world building and the author investing in the side characters too!!
: Nononono please dont take this fluff away from me how will i survive reading Jinx now
: they love him soooo muuuuuuchhhhhnnnhhhgggghhhhhhhh mori is so loved and cared for uuugghhhhhahhhhhnnngngngn
I wonder if genius Archer has updated (actually it was more along the lines of I wanna see almond)
And LO and Behold
CHAP 51!
trust u instincts chat