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Other manga by the same author(s)

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Ch.48 : Huh? [End]

May 21, 2022

Ch.47 : Final Farewell

May 21, 2022

Ch.46 : Seal

May 19, 2022

Ch.45 : Cute And Cute

May 16, 2022

Ch.44 : Two

May 14, 2022

Ch.43 : Onigiri (Rice Balls)

May 6, 2022

Ch.42 : Village

Apr 27, 2022

Ch.41 : Nostalgia

Apr 14, 2022

Ch.40 : Cupid's Arrow

Apr 14, 2022

Ch.39 : An Artisan's Life

Mar 28, 2022

Ch.38 : The Spirit Of A True Artisan

Mar 25, 2022

Ch.37 : Shortage of Gods

Mar 16, 2022

Ch.36 : Operation Underway

Mar 11, 2022

Ch.35 : Aw...How Cute...

Mar 6, 2022

Ch.34 : Branding

Feb 11, 2022

Ch.33 : Minor

Feb 11, 2022

Ch.31 : Vicious Beast Territory

Feb 11, 2022

Ch.30 : A Package

Feb 11, 2022

Ch.29 : What Took You So Long!?

Feb 11, 2022

Ch.28 : Dreaming of

Sep 19, 2021

Ch.27 : I guess this happens sometimes...

Sep 19, 2021

Ch.26 : In this day and age

Sep 19, 2021

Ch.25 : High class seal

Sep 19, 2021

Ch.24 : Purified water

Aug 26, 2021

Ch.23 : Cause they light up!

Aug 22, 2021

Ch.22 : Panicking

Aug 17, 2021

Ch.21 : Rainbow Tunnel

Aug 9, 2021

Ch.20 : What is it, little brat?

Aug 9, 2021

Ch.19 : inspiring

Aug 9, 2021

Ch.18 : Divine Saké

Aug 9, 2021

Ch.17 : Divine Revelation

Aug 9, 2021

Ch.16 : Facing The Sky In Amazement

Aug 4, 2021

Ch.15 : Sadhana

Aug 4, 2021

Ch.14 : This One!

Aug 4, 2021

Ch.13 : Everything

Aug 4, 2021

Ch.12 : Extremely Good

Aug 4, 2021

Ch.11 : Feels Like Fish

Aug 4, 2021

Ch.10 : Wanting To Do A Backflip

Aug 4, 2021

Ch.9 : Beast Repellent

Mar 12, 2021

Ch.8 : May I borrow your hand?

Mar 8, 2021

Ch.7 : Blessed Seat

Mar 5, 2021

Ch.6 : Foreboding

Mar 1, 2021

Ch.5 : Shrine

Feb 26, 2021

Ch.4 : Divination Lunch Set

Jan 27, 2021

Ch.3 : Forehead

Jan 21, 2021

Ch.2 : Before God

Jan 18, 2021

Ch.1 : Fate

Jan 12, 2021
click to show all of the chapters


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