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only_GETOOO : At laasssttt
kapithannah : not to be dramatic but i'd live for them
Hualian : What the fuck Ian is a bastard someone put him in his place
Does this have a novel if does please spoil me(⌒▽⌒)
Pmjriot : At this point they’re shinning brighter than my future
rhaine15 : Bro I never had any kiss in my whole life but I know for sure that's not platonic LOL
TazAMV : With the week I’m sure a lot of us in the US have been enduring, this comic is literally healing me.(/TДT)/ They feel like they belong together, and oh how sweet it is to feel loved and cherished by someone you’re in a partnership with! If the world can love the way this couple loves and sympathizes with people - and people can disagree without ruining someone’s happiness - I think the world would be a kinder place. Kindness and tenderness, what should all strive towards<3