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Willow : Jiho should stop doing this
These two started their relationship so sweetly
Inwoo supported Jiho when he was at his lowest after getting kicked out of the house
And now even though he saw Inwoo's condition has gotten worse ever since he met his mother, he's still doing it with full knowledge that Inwoo would break down again

His mother is a horrible person who left his son in an abusive house where SHE KNEW his life would be in danger. She knew what her husband was capable of
She's done all that yet she never reached out to him or tried to apologize to him for what she did
Jiho ignores all of that TWICE and exposes Inwoo to his poor example of a mother when he's most vulnerable TWICE
kittykat : This new season is so confusing without a map. It's hard to keep up with who is where and how they belong in relation to each other. I need like a George RR Martin map at the beginning of each chapter to understand better.
Marissa : No it’s not a good idea at all plz ask inwoo first
Inkkk : If this was bl, they're totally official already XD