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No_Name1123 : No offense but Skyler is kind of a hypocrite. Don’t get me wrong, Cirrus definitely did worse and all of this is the consequences of his own actions so he deserves it (except for the hurtful words Skyler said to him at the end). But Skyler did the same shit with Chan-Il with no consequences. To remind you guys: Skyler was supposed to confess to Chan-il about his stalking. Although it wasn’t fair for Cirrus to blackmail Skyler, it did still get Skyler on the right path which was to confess the truth about his stalking to Chan-il. But at that point Chan-il and Skyler started having a really good friendship and Skyler ended up never telling him because he didn’t wanna break it. And eventually Cirrus grew to like him so he didn’t expose him either.

But the point is they did the same shit, so while Skyler does have the right to get mad since he’s the victim, it’s also the pot calling the kettle black cause he did the exact same shit with Chan-il and, unlike Cirrus, Skyler was able to GET AWAY WITH IT. Which is why I still feel like Skyler is a hypocrite.
baby : they are literally my sons. SO CUTE. and what illness does yugun has again ? is it heart issues ?
Senpai_123 : Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
It's set in future again
Beaumont_crp : I love how she doesn't get swayed by negative people around her I can't explain it but there's something about her I really admired