: GIRL IS JUST LIKE ME FRFR Kylo is her little meow meow and I can’t help but want her to be successful waiting for more!!!!
Rhian Ray
: I've been reading this last month and kept waiting for updates, gurl I always looked into my recent reads for updates and now that it's gone. I was so confused why they don't update turns out, I haven't subscribed yet. I'm so stupid for realizing that now. If I hadn't encounter it in update Manhwas I'd probably forget this which I wouldn't want to.
#1 bihwan stan
: ive seen a lot of people say the style hasnt changed much and i respectfully disagree because if you look at chapter 1 the facial structure is like.. totally different. to a degree the rendering is too? and i feel like ill get fried for saying this but it KIND of feels like the artist is trying to copy paste the special civil servant style (i dont read this but the styles been looking really similar to this one lately)... even if the artist is the assistant for the artist in special civil servant, i really dislike the changes anyway. GWS !! the style used to be so good.
can anyone tell me if the style goes back to normal? i saw someone say something like that in the replies for this but im not sure if i just hallucinated it or something..
Kylo is her little meow meow and I can’t help but want her to be successful waiting for more!!!!
can anyone tell me if the style goes back to normal? i saw someone say something like that in the replies for this but im not sure if i just hallucinated it or something..