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Poro : pls I'm crying I need more
ineedjesus : omfg omfg omfg these three fucking men istg oml
bro when i catch u disgusting piece of priest WHEN I FUCKING CATCH U
oml i have never hated men this much OMFG
Ur_bisexual_bi*ch : This story kind of functions like ouroboros or infinity. There's technically no end and no beginning, everything is simply a loop. The story starts when you acknowledge it as a story and try to find the author, but the moment you do, you too become a part of the story itself and everything leads up to the final chapter, until someone else realises your fate after reading the story
I don't know how to explain this in a few words, but the end opens into the beginning which opens into the end
covalence : I don’t know exactly why yet but this story is starting to get me irritated and bored :/ , it’s not like there’s no plot but there’s just something about it that’s got me grinding my teeth