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Alice : It had a great start for sure and even gave me "My Dear Aster" vibes but the more I read the more frustrated I got by the misunderstandings that could have been solved way sooner and spared us from some heartache! Other than that it was a solid read with a rollercoaster of emotions! I only wish the artist would give us more happy chapters and side stories...Their happy couple time was too short compared to the hardships and break up...
Twice Jihyo Stan : does anyone know the identity of the mysterious guy who og sihyeon used to 'love'? i've been rereading recently, and he's mentioned a lot in the beginning chapters, however, his existence is slowly dissipating as hajin creates new memories in sihyeon's body...who was the man who had so much control over og sihyeon? is it the blond guy from the other group? ...or isu? anyone know?
revi : i was just catching up , did i seriously happen to do it at suxh time . im just a guy trying to escape my uni work dude _| ̄|○ but i literally gasped , hit my knee in the fucking table dude