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Chacasyaari : Qui get the motorbikes like he dreams. and the children ruined it :v
Luffytaro : hindi niya ba kayang i-defend ung sarili niya, myg. Pero that aside ang satisfying nung napahiya na si Dorothy HAHAHAHAHA
hello : urk why is he suddenly interested in her now? grudhijdnsnsnnd
Cheeky : I've been running into partial chapters on lots of manga lately. I appreciate the uploads, but.... I wish they'd STOP IT! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
If the Mangus website wasn't so littered with adds where it backs up my device, and every time I try to choose an option it opens an add, I would read there. But as long as it remains so littered with adds, I'm NOT going to read there. I understand having adds, but not to the point where it takes up half the screen and makes it impossible to see or select something, and lags!