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stanRafayelforclearskin : this will make the second brother and her become closer plus there will be another one who is now aware of blondie's bitchness
somnia : Isidore could just make his life easier and reveal his identity, but I don't think he's that madly in love yet, nor that desperate to rush things. He barely notices himself that he got a crush lmao.

I'm lowkey concerned for Mia (or whoever is supposed to "play" Mia). Mostly curious about her but also very concerned. From the looks of it she's in a controlling and abusive relationship and has no choice but to play this perfect saintess role.
My main guess rn would be that the book was an idealistic daydream to begin with. It covered up the dark details that would taint Mia's image either on purpose or accidentally. My other guess is that the book was written as the ideal blueprint for Mia the Saintess. Someone needed a powerful saintess they could control every aspect of at the tippy-top of the church, so they created her.