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Kenma : He doesn't like fighting, I believe him! (Lol as if)
Why.am.i.even.here : Its surprisingly a very nice story. I love how much the characters struggle. They have a purpose to fight
besides just getting stronger and thats to just simply survive as a unit. Author has a clear understanding of how to write bonds between comrades that doesnt disturb the respect of the chain of command. The characters love eachother (some... mostly party 1,2,3) but understand that the weak will die or fall behind.

I love how over powered they are compared to regular humans but how weak they are too monsters. It makes it enjoyable to watch them grow because they seriosly cant beat the enemy in front of them by their selves. AND THE CAST KNOWS THAT, Thats why they stick with one another, the more battles the fight the deeper their dependance on eachother is and the deeper their bond grows. They grow individally yes, but the whole party gets stronger as time moves on. Author clearly understands how to write to give a character purpose, for each hero has theyre own motivations that the author can cheer them on for.

Art style is consistant and pleasent. Love how almost everyone has a tiny wait. Some fight get boring inbetween so i just skimmed them went it gets repeditive but besides that no complains. Its ovi that the creator of thus story knows what they are doing and are skilled in the knowlodge of rpg games for this story just sucks you into there world at times.

No real complants. No major hints of harems. The cast joke around and ship the MC with a few character for fun but he shuts that down quickly. Its a wonderful story with lots of potential. Keep up the good work cant wait to see this grow!
caleb's princess : "the ML is traumatized too yadayada" u really think we care?? that hoe can keys my girl deserves better