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Ak57 : Eh Javier
KillsGon4 : UGHH I may just not come back for 3 months and let it marinate but I can't wait either
kickassfu : dude no, you're not doing the right thing. the most you can do is tell him that his mom contacted you and is leaving for russia again. if he wants to do something about it great, if not it's his decision.

also you're right!!! you're not enough!!! bro needs a fucking therapist. he can't keep not eating. he's going to end up in the hospital being fed through a fucking tube.

talk to him about shit. they're both annoying me i'm sorry. jiho is in the wrong, but inwoo doesn't talk either (obviously he's depressed so...i get it. it def should come from jiho)
but like jfc just TALK!!!!!!!!!!!! about why he isn't eating. about how you can help. because no you can't stop living your life for him, and if inwoo doesn't want to get help it's not up to you to just drop everything for him indefinitely.

whenever there's a new chapter i just don't really wanna read it anymore lol it's like i'm forcing myself. tiiiiiiiiiiiired
Oatmeal : You know what, I'm calling it here. This is fucking emotional assault (like rape but emotionally). Jiho is basically doing all of these things without Inwoo's CONSENT. "I think you should meet your mother. What? Do I know if you wanna? Fuck if I care to check! Oh btw imma giving your cell number too just cause I fucking can." Good lord Jiho needs to learn or I'll dump him myself!