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Tiramisu : Mai Mai is the goat no one will change that
Tamagoö : Well damn, he became a babysitter and his motorbike got destroyed lmao. At least he got the
RedScaleWyrm : Normally people who know suffering relate the most to it and are understandable of the plight of others. But MC is just cut from a different cloth I guess, telling someone to die while his father is undergoing cancer treatment. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
Yuuto : If what is written in the library has been written for a long time, it means that what happened to the former kings and their Regas will be repeated if there is no one to decode the message in the library. It's good that Abel is there to protect the prince.
akuma_river : Bizarre murders? Cult religion? 300 missing kunze?

Sounds like they are doing evil experiments/sacrifices.
4ki : ML discoveres the empathy for the first time?! Should we applaud?
jaecchi : this background story is supposed to make us feel bad for ML? it just makes me despise him even more. HES A FREAK!!! its not her fault you fell in love with her and it made you hate yourself. i need this loser to stay far away from FL forever but we all know thats not gonna happen ( ̄へ ̄)