Bj Y
: Every time I come back to re read this it breaks my heart to know that the main ML didn't get chosen.. I wonder what the author was thinking when they made their choice.. The ending is like the author taking a knife and stabbing me in the heart and twisting it till I bleed out.. Like why Jeunso was such a sweetheart to our MC and actually fell for him unlike Karam who only decided to like him towards the end and his bland personality makes it worse.. I do feel like Jeunso and Redhead would of been an interesting couple tho.. But again just why why why why.....
: That's a Daddy. But if I'll fate you bring don't come anywhere near our babies
: Oh my god I thought I was crazy reading this manhwa but once i finished it and read the comments i felt so relieved. This story was super frustrating to read and the characters made me want to rip the hair out of my scalp. I also felt like Joons feelings were invalided throughout the WHOLE story and I found Doha to be hypocritical at times and instead of properly communicating they just had sex. I feel like they held some animosity for each other the majority of season 2 and their communication issues didn’t really get resolved. Joon deserves better WHY CANT THE AUTHOR GIVE JOON A BREAK?? TToTT Plus there was so much smut during season 2 it was just not enjoyable to read. I rate this a 6/10
: The way my reaction was literally the exact same as there's because I was NOT prepared for Grandma to come out and say it (and I hated water in my mouth)
Plus there was so much smut during season 2 it was just not enjoyable to read. I rate this a 6/10