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Yukicityy : I need to read something cute and fluffy after being drained from binging this! FREE MY GIRL plssss he needs to die asap
RoguePhoenix : Wow a revenge plot that is fast paced and gets resolved in a decent amount of time?! ITS A MIRACLE!! lol

Honestly I really enjoyed the story. Our boy was a great protagonist to follow with his brilliant cunning mind and great fighting skills. Did his powers seem very much like Solo Leveling? Yes but I still think our boy had enough original/unique powers, skills and items to make him different from that guy. The world itself was well done and I did enjoy some of the side characters.

If I had put on my critical writer’s hat, I wish we got backstory on messiah guy. Not to redeem him or anything but to get us to really understand his mind and dislike him even more. Those three good people in Messiah made me wish that our boy had an actual relationship with them or other members who had the same noble ideology as him. We saw a lot of the bad people on the opposing side and their relationship with him but I’d like they showed the few good seeds, interact with him more and him planting seeds of doubt about messiah guy before that big ending.

Overall it’s still a great story and I’d reccommend to anyone who wants to read a cool and epic revenge action story.
TheReader : Hi is this still ongoing?
Changbin salon : Plzz I want him to open up to chanil and be friends again
ttar10nt : you have GYAT to be kidding me…. after the misunderstanding is finally resolved we’re hit with yet another one?!