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Ann : What happened back then was none of their fault .. I hope they realise that and communicate more
Ninyaaa宁雅 : The one in the tub looks like daddy version of dom :v
Narudi18 : Not them using multiple socks as shoes
Ruira : golden hair like the expanse of the desert, sparkling so majestic, a smile as beautiful as an angel's kiss, a hand tinted in red blood— wait lol well at least a handsome man appeared after those beautiful girls
blue.lea : i am REALLY loving the way this fml is written!!!!!! instead of just letting him go like how ive seen many times, she clung onto him because she has always been clinging onto her questions, but more importantly, her hope. i think it’s her hope of finding him, of seeing him again, of being able to ask all the questions she wants to ask that has been kind of keeping her going, and we see that with how much she searched for him and asked about him to the police officer after he disappeared.
i think it’s also really endearing and telling of her character that she wants to know about how he’s been living. there’s nothing like spontaneously losing ur first love and never knowing how or why and she’s really seizing this chance to find all that out.
seeing her character written like this—especially with how she treats the other dude who’s name i dont remember bc i dont like him—is so nice and refreshing.

lmaooo not me writing an essay. ahem. anyway.