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Ami : Sis burn his ass
brian07 : Knight's imagination of the frail abel is killing me
madi : Tbh, I completely understand why FL keeps on misunderstanding and overthink a lot. They were never honest with her from the beginning, like anyone would assume or feel they weren’t that loved if her parents were like that. And embracing what the og fl did as her faults as well is completely understandable, since it was also her body and lived that life for years before the og fl came. It’s not like she can just tell everybody that it wasn’t her who did all those evil deeds. Who would even believe her? Magnus doesn’t even seem to trust her completely yet. He keeps on emphasizing what the og fl did in the past lol
Slaytheday : Y'all may hate me for this, but I love the capitalism arc. I've been waiting for this ever since she first saw the plot of land and drank that coffee.
I'm loving these chapters. May they go on for abother 2 months.

There, I said it.
Chris : Well, I don't care about all of this because I know for sure they will be head over heels for each other in no time... The thing is, when will it happen? I had enough of this sad thing.(ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻