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h19rny : love how we all hate little miss meddlers! She's obsessed!
The Fujoushi pinkiepie : I’m at chapter 1 where the bitch admitted that the op husband is the baby’s father—all the while wearing a sunny smile. Let me just say this, I would go to jail that day. Probably the guillotine, when I’m done with her.
This would have been a veeeeeeeeeeery short story. So short I’ma write it right now.

There was once a Foster sister, whom I loved so dearly.
She fell pregnant, and I said “oh deary”,

Worried for her, I wanted her wed,
To the sire of the baby is all that was said.

I asked her for the sire
With all of my fire

Only to be told
That the father was was someone we both know

Confused was me
For all I saw was the sunniest smile to ever be

She said some words,
that I thought I misheard,
So she said it once more.

The father of the child was was his lordship
This was the end of our kinship.

With smile on her face, and her hand rubbing he flat tummy,
This bitch never saw it coming, that dummy.

My mind blanked I would reckon,
For it was as if a demon had taken over for a second

When I was back, there was blood on my hands
And that bitch was down while only I stand.

Her sunny smile disappeared,
Only to feel on my lips where it reappeared.

Hehehe was a sound that was made
As a gurgled scream came from what was left laid

Footsteps thundered from somewhere,
As I decided to finish business with a care.

It all over now,
But as I looked at my work, being dragged away, all I could say was wow!

The end
Fujoshisince2015 : Thank you for putting the novel chapter!!